
Name: Rowan Anaya Redfern
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 20, 1978
Nicknames: Ro (only my sisters can call me this),
Rowan-love (Kestrel's current favorite)
Species: lamia vampire
Residence: Briar Creek, Oregon
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Siblings: Ash, 18; Kestrel, 17; Jade, 16
Soulmate: none as of yet
Children: not until I find a soulmate, if I do
Hair color: brown
Eye color: cinnamon brown
Height: 5'10"
Appearance: tall and willowy, hair almost to waist
Talents: can run like the wind
Hangouts: Klamanth Forest and the farmhouse
Closest friends: Mary-Lynnette Carter, my sisters and Poppy North
Personal quote: "Soulmates don't always stay together. Sometimes it's too much--the
fire and lightning and all that. Some people just can't stand it."

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Picture borrowed from The Goddess Art of Jonathon Earl Bowser.